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Scholarship Categories
Scholarships Based on Athletics
  • AAUS Student Scholarships
    Up to $3,000
    June 30
    Sponsor: American Academy of Underwater Sciences

    Eligibility: Applicants must be a current member of AAUS and attending an undergraduate or a graduate level program. Selection is based on the project proposal submitted by the applicant. The proposal must describe the benefits of the project and how the funds will be used.

    How to apply: Applications are available online and include a written project proposal and at least one letter of recommendation.

    P.O. Box 9067
    Mobile, AL 36691-9067

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  • Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Scholarship
    Up to $15,000
    February 1
    Sponsor: Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Foundation

    Eligibility: Applicants for the Duke Award must be nominated by a school or athletic official. Each school may nominate up to 3 candidates to be considered for the Duke Award.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    P.O. Box 160924
    4354 Pahoa Avenue
    Honolulu, HI 96816

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  • Women Divers Hall of Fame Scholarships and Grants
    Up to $2,000
    November 15; January 15
    Sponsor: Women Divers Hall of Fame

    Eligibility: Applicants must be interested in a career that involves diving. Several scholarships and grants are available, and each has various requirements. Not all are for women only.

    How to apply: All applications are online and all require a resume, essay and two letters of recommendation.

    43 Mackey Avenue
    Port Washington, NY 10050

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  • Zale Parry Scholarship
    August 31
    Sponsor: Academy of Underwater Arts and Sciences

    Eligibility: Applicants must be enrolled in undergraduate or graduate level studies and must be a certified diver. Selection is based on merit.

    How to apply: Applications are available online and must include two letters of reference, a resume and an essay.

    27 West Anapamu Street #317
    Santa Barbara, CA 93101

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