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Optimist International Essay Contest
Purpose: To reward students based on their essay-writing skills.
Eligibility: Applicants must be under 18 years of age as of December 31 of the current school year and application must be made through a local Optimist Club. The essay topic changes each year. Applicants compete at the club, district and international level. District winners receive a $2,500 scholarship. Scoring is based on organization, vocabulary and style, grammar and punctuation, neatness and adherence to the contest rules. The club-level contests are held in early February but vary by club. The deadline for clubs to submit their winning essay to the district competition is February 28.
Deadline: Early February
Award Amount: $2,500.
Number of Awards: Varies.
Renewable: No.
How to apply: Contact your local Optimist Club.
Sponsor: Optimist International
4494 Lindell Boulevard
St. Louis, MO  63108
Phone: 314-371-6000
Fax: 314-371-6006
Website: Visit Scholarship Provider's Website

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