QUESTION: I'm so confused about choosing my major in college. Some days I feel like I should major in one area, and other days I feel like I should major in a different one. Is there anything that can help me choose my college major? Signed, Wavering
Dear Wavering: Whether you're choosing a new laptop or toaster it helps to do some research. The same is true for choosing a major. But unlike buying a product, there is no Consumer Reports to help. Fortunately, you have everything you need right on your own campus.
Start researching by speaking with students who are in the majors. Ask them how they chose the major, how the classes and professors are and what they hope to do after graduating. They'll give you the best preview of the major.
Next, speak with professors or academic advisors in the department. Learn about the classes offered, what graduates of the department do and requirements for the major. Many departments keep statistics of where their graduates go after school so you can see what kinds of jobs or graduate schools they go to.
Also, contact those in the career that you would like to be in. Ask them what they studied and how they got their start in the field. Starting with your destination and heading backward may help you figure out what to study.
Finally, keep in mind that not all majors lead to a specific job. In fact, many colleges are designed to give you the tools you need to learn and develop any skill you would need in the future. Therefore, your major does not determine your future. If after doing all the research you still can't decide, then choose the major that you enjoy the most and focus on doing well.
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