QUESTION: I am interested in majoring in zoology, but I don't think I really want to be a veterinarian. Also, I am having problems finding out which zoology programs are the best. Do you know? Signed, Animal Queen
Dear Animal Queen: You can do much more with a degree in zoology than you probably think. To name a few possibilities, zoologists can work in research, physiological and medical laboratories, teaching and wildlife management. Being a veterinarian is only one possibility for studying zoology, or the biological science of animals.
To find the best zoology programs, you have to do some research. If you have the opportunity, speak with zoologists. They can tell you about their studies and give you recommendations. If you don't know any zoologists, look at the Online Zoologists website at On this Web site, two zoologists answer common questions about entering the field.
Another way to select programs is through academic journals. Go to your library or look online for related journals such as Zoo Biology, Zoological Record or other journals on animal behavior or science. Then, look at the articles in the journals. For the articles of interest to you, pay attention to the authors and the schools where they teach. These programs will probably be a good match for you.
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